

Cedar Ridge

Cedar Ridge Retreat and Conference Center is located at 18062 Keasey Rd, in Vernonia, Oregon. It is nestled in the Oregon Coast Range on the banks of Rock Creek, about 45 miles west of downtown Portland.

For accommodations, the upper grounds, including the Lodge and House on the hill, offers large and small bedrooms with single and double bunk beds and full bathrooms in the hallways. Lodging at the lower grounds consists of simple but comfortable dorm-style heated cabins with heated bathhouses nearby.

A nice spacious conference hall at the upper grounds serves as a meditation hall.

Mattresses are provided in all of the sleeping areas. Students bring their own bedding supplies including sleeping pillow (not the same as your meditation cushion), sheets and blankets/sleeping bags. Sleeping supplies can be provided to students flying in if they notify the registrar in advance.

Cedar ridge area wildlife includes deer, elk, eagles, great blue herons, fox and coyotes.

Winter temperatures range from possible lows of 25 degrees at night to highs in the 50s during the day with high probability of rain.

For public transportation options from Portland to Cedar Ridge, please see Columbia County Rider and Trimet.

OVA has no affiliation with any of the above travel services.







Vipassana in Oregon
6201 NE 13th Ave
Portland, OR 97221 USA
(541) 719-8240

[email protected]

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