Vipassana Meditation
Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation taught more than 2500 years ago. It offers a remedy for universal ills through a practical method of self-awareness, allowing one to face the tensions and problems of daily life in a balanced way. For those who are not familiar with Vipassana Meditation, click Introduction to Vipassana by Mr. Goenka and Questions & Answers about Vipassana below.
Introduction to Vipassana Questions & Answers
Course Information
To learn Vipassana meditation one needs to develop one’s own experience during a residential ten day course. A description and timetable of a typical ten day course may be found in the Code of Discipline. For more information please see the Course Schedule and Online Course Application.
Code of Discipline Course Schedule & Application
Practicing Vipassana: Meditator Experiences
This is a short video that consists of a series of interviews with Vipassana students. They talk about how they first came to a Vipassana course, and what the practice of Vipassana has meant to them in their lives. The interviews were conducted with students from various countries and were recorded at the Italian Vipassana Centre.
Old Students
Those who have completed a 10-day course as taught by S.N. Goenka can find information about outreach events, weekly Group Sit schedules, and other resources in the “Old Student” area by logging in.
Old Student Oregon Log-inOld Student International Website
About NVA
The Northwest Vipassana Association organizes courses at rented sites in different locations around Oregon. There are one or two 10-day courses per year as well as short 1 to 3-day refresher courses for “Old Students” (those who have already completed the 10-day course as taught by S.N. Goenka).
Courses are also regularly held at the Northwest Vipassana Center in Onalaska, WA located 1.5 hours north of Portland. For courses in other locations around the country and the world, please see